An ear, nose, and throat specialist, or ENT doctor, is a medical doctor who specializes in otolaryngology (the study of the ears, nose, and throat). Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) disorders are physical conditions that affect the middle and inner ear, other parts of the upper body related to hearing or the respiratory system, or the mouth and throat. Examples of conditions that ENT doctors treat include:
• headaches
• sinusitis
• colds/flu/sore throats
• dizziness/vertigo/balance problems
• hearing loss caused by trauma or disease
• trouble swallowing
A general practitioner or ear, nose, and throat specialist like Dr. Paul Drago is vital to your health. The ENT specialist will be able to listen to your symptoms and determine the cause of your problem. If they feel that a medical condition does not cause the pain, they will refer you to another specialist who can address it.
The Path To Become An ENT Specialist
To become a board-certified ENT Specialist, one must complete a four-year medical degree and a five-year residency in the field. However, getting a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized institution is the first step on the educational ladder. College is crucial for future ENT professionals to lay a firm foundation in scientific literacy and interpersonal competence.
Students of medical school will enter clinical rotations to learn about various medical subspecialties. Graduates who want to become board-certified ENT specialists must complete a five-year residency program after graduating from medical school. During this time, they will gain experience in various fields related to the ear, nose, and throat.
Dr. Paul Drago Each state has its regulations for obtaining a medical license, and physicians must pass the board examination in each state where they want to practice. Many in the medical field believe it is best to finish one’s residency in the state where one plans to work. If this is not the case, ENT doctors must familiarize themselves with a new set of requirements.